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Teaching engineering




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  1. What are the essential questions relating to this topic?   Why do I need to know about engineering as an educator? How does that relate to goals and measurements?

  2. How can we teach this creatively?


Session objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Distinguish between what engineers, scientists and mathematicians do
  • Reflect on some of the stereotypes and gender issues within the Engineering Profession
Classroom Activities:
  1. Why do I need to know about engineering as an educator?

  2. Draw a picture of an engineer and write a short paragraph of what the engineer is doing in the picture.  see an example of a picture ( two engineers discussing a design).

  3. Classroom discussion: What are some stereotypes around engineers? What causes society to have stereotypes?

  4. Working as teams, generate definitions of what Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneur, Artist and Mathematicians do.

  5. Interview an engineer.  What do you want to know about what an engineer does?  Are they curious? How do they problem solve?

  6. Invite an engineer to the classroom.

  7. Design activity:  Have your students design their room at home( or the classroom).  They need to think about the need to do it and what the requirements should be. have them create specifications and then draw out the design based on the specifications. They can do the math and some science items such as air quality, habitat issues, etc.  Have them create a set of goals and how they would judge success at the end of the project.  Teams can be formed and presentations made.






  Prepared by  Bill Wolfson.  Copyright © 2009
Last Updated  9/21/09