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Who is Bernard Gordon?
Bernard Gordon received his B.S and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1949. Considered the “father of analog to digital conversion” for his inventions and contributions to signal translation, medical tomography and other high-precision instrumentation, he has more than 200 patents worldwide. He founded Analogic Corporation and recently retired as Chairman of the Board. Prior to Analogic, he was the President and co-founder of Epsco, Incorporated. In 1986, he received the National Medal of Technology from President Reagan, and in 1991, he was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has been the recipient of several honorary engineering doctoral degrees. He is the Chairman of Lahey Clinic and a Trustee of Tufts University.
The definitions of Science, Engineering and Technology from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technologies#Usage.

Generally, the following distinctions can be made:

  • Science is the formal process of investigating natural phenomena. It produces information and knowledge about the world.

  • Engineering is the goal-oriented process of designing and building tools and systems to exploit natural phenomena for a practical human means. Engineers work within the constraints of natural laws and societal needs to create technology.

  • Technology is the consequence of these two processes and societal requests. Most commonly, the term technology is used as the name of all engineering products.

  • Mathematics is the language to manage a design and account for the patterns in nature.


What does an Engineer do? Bernard Gordon has been called a "modern-day inventor in the tradition of Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin.
  Bernie Gordon's description of what makes an Engineer:






  1. Draw a picture of an engineer

  2. Interview an Engineer

  Prepared by  Bill Wolfson.  Copyright © 2009
Last Updated  9/21/09