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MA Framework Standards




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  1. What are the essential questions relating to this topic? 

  2. How does that relate to goals and measurements?

  3. How can we teach this creatively?


Social Studies/ History:
When choosing your book, you can integrate Social Studies/History by picking books with themes that track the Social Studies/History Framework 

 Pre-Kindergarten–Kindergarten: Living, Learning, and Working Together
Grade 1 : True Stories and Folk Tales from America and from Around the World 
Grade2:   E Pluribus Unum: From Many ,One 
Grade 3 : Massachusetts and its Cities and Towns: Geography and History 
Grade 4 : North American Geography with Optional Standards for One Early Civilization
Grade 5 : United States History, Geography, Economics, and Government: Early Exploration to Westward Movement


Science Framework: 
Pick the science that is planned to be taught or the science you just taught  to re-enforce its learning

General Science Principles, all grade level
Stand 1,2,3 K-2 grade,          K2-5 grade
Stand 4 engineering and technology


Questions to spark the development of the Design Challenges in stories:

  •  How can we solve the problem the character from the story is having?

  • What science or math can we use to improve the direction of the story?

  • What action words can we find in the story?  Can we list them? 

  • What physical items can these words relate too? 

  • Can we make sentences out of these action words combined with engineering words  ( Design, construct, create, make…). 

What science are we studying now?  Can we Segue into the subject with our story or use our story to re-enforce what we have already covered.

Science Framework Strands ( Massachusetts):

Earth & Space


Strand 1


Energy in the Earth System                        

Materials and Energy Resources

Earth process and Cycles

Structure of the Earth

Earth in the Solar System


Life Science


Strand 2

Characteristics of Living Things

Systems in living Things


Evolution and Biodiversity

Living things and their environment


Physic & Chemistry

Strand 3

State of Matter

Position and motion of objects

Forms of Energy



Strand 4



Engineering Design

Simple machines


Mathematics Framework:

Mathematic outcomes

Mathematical reasoning is fundamental to the design and construction process.

In the lessons, we have the opportunity to ask mathematical thinking questions such as:

  • How would I draw a diagram that shows the area, dimensions, etc. of what we are doing?
  • How am I going to collect data to evaluate the design during the testing phase?
  • How would I calculate ________?
  • How would I calculate the cost of the material we need. 

In general we can ask questions that get the students thinking and probing about the following:




Number sense








Math Framework K-5 grade:


21st Century
Partnership‟s 21st Century Skills Framework, Handbook



  Prepared by  Bill Wolfson.  Copyright © 2009-2010
Last Updated  01/03/2010